Articles in peer reviewed journals
[46] Miaz, Jonathan, Matthieu Niederhauser, and Martino Maggetti. From International Law to Subnational Practices: How Intermediaries Translate the Istanbul Convention. Regulation and Governance, accepted, forthcoming.
[45] Trein, Philipp, Manuel Fischer, Martino Maggetti, and Francesco Sarti. Empirical Research on Policy Integration: A Review and New Directions. Policy Sciences, accepted, forthcoming.
[44] Saz-Carranza, Angel, Martino Maggetti, Kutsal Yesilkagit, and David Coen. Mapping and Unpacking Global Governance Bodies: A Cross Sectional and Cross Organizational Analysis. International Studies Quarterly, accepted, forthcoming.
[43] Schillemans, Thomas, Sjors Overman, Matthew Flinders, Per Laegreid, Martino Maggetti, Yannis Papadopoulos and Matthew Wood. Public Sector Accountability Styles in Europe. Comparing accountability and control of agencies in the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland and the UK. Public Policy and Administration, forthcoming, published online on 10 June 2022
[42] Maggetti, Martino and Thenia Vagionaki. How to Tame the Beast: The Diverse Development of European Networks Regulating Finance and Competition. Journal of European Public Policy, forthcoming, published online on 6 March 2022.
[41] Refle, Jan-Erik, Manuel Fischer, and Martino Maggetti. Informal Europeanization Processes and Domestic Governance Processes. European Policy Analysis, 8(1): 33-50, February 2022.
[40] Maggetti, Martino and Yannis Papadopoulos. Happily Unaccountable? Perceptions of Accountability by Public Managers. Public Policy and Administration, 0(0): 1-24, January 2022.
[39] Maggetti, Martino and Philipp Trein. Policy Integration, Problem-solving and the COVID-19 crisis: Lessons for Policy Design. Policy and Society, accepted, forthcoming.
[38] Maggetti, Martino and Philipp Trein. More is Less: Partisan Ideology, Changes of Government, and Policy Integration Reforms in the UK. Policy and Society, 40 (1), 79-98, forthcoming. Published online on 19 April 2021. Link.
[37] Schillemans, Thomas, Sjors Overman, Paul Fawcett, Matthew Flinders, Magnus Fredriksson, Per Laegreid, Martino Maggetti, Yannis Papadopoulos, Kristin Rubecksen, Lise Rykkja, Heidi Salomonsen, Amanda Smullen and Matt Wood. Conflictual Accountability. Behavioral Responses to Conflictual Accountability of Agencies. Administration & Society, accepted, forthcoming.
[36] Schillemans, Thomas, Sjors Overman, Paul Fawcett, Matthew Flinders, Magnus Fredriksson, Per Laegreid, Martino Maggetti, Yannis Papadopoulos, Kristin Rubecksen, Lise Rykkja, Heidi Salomonsen, Amanda Smullen and Matt Wood. Understanding Felt Accountability. The institutional antecedents of the felt accountability of agency-CEO’s to central government. Governance, forthcoming. Published online on 25 September 2020. Link.
[35] Trein, Philipp, Martino Maggetti and Iris Meyer. Necessary Conditions for Policy Integration and Administrative Coordination Reforms: An Exploratory Analysis. Journal of European Public Policy, forthcoming. Published online on 9 July 2020. Link.
[34] Maggetti, Martino, Fabrizio Di Mascio and Alessandro Natalini. National Regulators, Regulatory Networks and European Agencies: Connecting the Dots. Public Policy and Administration, 36(3) 275-280, July 2021. Link. Download.
[33] Maggetti, Martino. Trust, Coordination and Multilevel Arrangements: Lessons for a European Health Union. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 11: 790-799, November 2020. Link. Download.
[32] Trein, Philipp and Martino Maggetti. Patterns of Policy Integration and Administrative Coordination Reforms: A Comparative Empirical Analysis. Public Administration Review, 80(2): 198-208, March/April 2020. Link. Download.
[31] Di Mascio, Fabrizio, Martino Maggetti and Alessandro Natalini. Exploring the Dynamics of Delegation Over Time: Insights from the Italian Anticorruption Agencies (2003-2016). Policy Studies Journal, 48(2): 367-400, May 2020. Link. Download.
[30] Thomann, Eva and Martino Maggetti. Designing Research with Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): Approaches, Challenges, Tools. Sociological Methods & Research, 49(2): 356-386, May 2020. Link. Download.
[29] Ewert, Christian, Céline Kaufmann and Martino Maggetti. Linking Democratic Anchorages and Regulatory Authority: The Case of Internet Regulators. Regulation & Governance, 14(2): 104-202, April 2020. Link. Download.
[28] Maggetti, Martino. Interest Groups and the (Non-)Enforcement Powers of EU Agencies: The Case of Energy Regulation. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 10(3): 458-484, September 2019. Link. Download.
[27] Thomann, Eva, Philipp Trein and Martino Maggetti. What’s the problem? Multilevel governance and problem-solving. European Policy Analysis, 5(1): 37-57, May 2019. Link. Download.
[26] Trein, Philipp, Eva Thomann and Martino Maggetti. Integration, Functional Differentiation, and Problem-Solving in Multilevel Governance. Public Administration, 97(2): 339-354, June 2019. Link. Download.
[25] Maggetti, Martino and Philipp Trein. Multilevel Governance and Problem-Solving: Towards a Dynamic Theory of Multi-Level Policymaking? Public Administration, 97(2): 355-369, June 2019. Link. Download.
[24] Trein, Philipp, Iris Meyer and Martino Maggetti. The Integration and Coordination of Public Policies: A Systematic Comparative Review. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 21(4): 332-249, October 2019. Link. Download.
[23] Maggetti, Martino and Yannis Papadopoulos. The Principal-Agent Framework and Independent Regulatory Agencies. Political Studies Review, 16(3):172-183, August 2018. Link. Download.
[22] De Francesco, Fabrizio and Martino Maggetti. Assessing Disproportionality: Indexes of Policy Responses to the 2007-8 Banking Crisis. Policy Sciences, 51(1):17-38, March 2018. Link. Download.
[21] Maggetti, Martino, Christian Ewert and Philipp Trein. Not Quite the Same: Regulatory Intermediaries in the Governance of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 670:152-169, March 2017. Link. Download.
[20] Fischer, Manuel and Martino Maggetti. Qualitative Comparative Analysis and the Study of Policy Processes. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 19(4):345-361, August 2017. Link. Download.
[19] Ewert, Christian and Martino Maggetti. Regulating Side by Side: The Role of Hybrid Organisations in Transnational Environmental Sustainability. Policy and Society, 35(1):91-102, March 2016. Link. Download.
[18] Bach, Tobias, Fabrizio De Francesco, Martino Maggetti and Eva Ruffing. Transnational Bureaucratic Politics: An Institutional Rivalry Perspective on EU Network Governance. Public Administration, 94(1):9–24, March 2016. Link. Download.
[17] Maggetti, Martino and Fabrizio Gilardi. Problems (and Solutions) in the Measurement of Policy Diffusion Mechanisms. Journal of Public Policy, 36(01):87-107, March 2016. Link. Download.
[16] Maggetti, Martino. Promoting Corporate Responsibility in Private Banking: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Joining the Wolfsberg Initiative Against Money Laundering. Business & Society, 53(6):787-819, November 2014. Link. Download.
[15] Puppis, Manuel, Martino Maggetti, Fabrizio Gilardi, Jan Biela and Yannis Papadopoulos. The Political Communication of Independent Regulatory Agencies. Swiss Political Science Review, 20(3):388-412, September 2014. Link. Download.
[14] Maggetti, Martino and Fabrizio Gilardi. Network Governance and the Domestic Adoption of Soft Rules. Journal of European Public Policy, 21(9):1293-1310, July 2014. Link. Download.
[13] Maggetti, Martino. The Rewards of Cooperation: The Effects of Membership in European Regulatory Networks. European Journal of Political Research, 53(3):480-499, August 2014. Link. Download.
[12] Maggetti, Martino. The Politics of Network Governance: The Case of Energy Regulation. West European Politics, 37(3):497-514, May 2014. Link. Download.
[11] Maggetti, Martino and Koen Verhoest. Unexplored Aspects of Bureaucratic Autonomy: A State of the Field and Ways Forward, International Review of Administrative Sciences, 80(2): 239-256, June 2014. Link. Download.
[10] Maggetti, Martino. Institutional Change and the Evolution of the Regulatory State: Evidence from the Swiss Case. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 80(2): 276-297, June 2014. Link. Download.
[9] Maggetti, Martino and David Levi-Faur. Dealing with Errors in QCA. Political Research Quarterly, 66(1): 199-204, March 2013. Link. Download.
[8] Maggetti, Martino, Karin Ingold and Frédéric Varone. Having Your Cake and Eating It Too: Can Regulatory Agencies Be Both Independent and Accountable? Swiss Political Science Review, 19(1): 1-25, March 2013. Link. Download.
[7] Maggetti, Martino. Le Probleme de l’Interdependance dans la Comparaison des Politiques Publiques Infranationales. Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, 2(19): 99-120, November 2012. Link. Download.
[6] Maggetti, Martino. The Media Accountability of Independent Regulatory Agencies. European Political Science Review, 4(3): 385-408, November 2012. Link. Download.
[5] Dunlop Claire, Martino Maggetti, Claudio M. Radaelli and Duncan Russel. The Many Uses of Regulatory Impact Assessment: A Meta-Analysis of EU and UK Cases. Regulation & Governance, 6(1): 23-45, March 2012. Link. Download.
[4] Maggetti, Martino and Fabrizio Gilardi. The Policy-Making Structure of European Regulatory Networks and the Domestic Adoption of Standards. Journal of European Public Policy, 18(6): 830-847, August 2011. Link. Download. [Also published in: Rittberger, Berthold and Arndt Wonka. Agency Governance in the EU and its Consequences. Routledge, London, 2012. Link.] [Reprinted in: Eberlein, Burkard. Virtual Special Issue on Regulation in the EU. Journal of European Public Policy, May 2013. Link.]
[3] Maggetti, Martino. Legitimacy and Accountability of Independent Regulatory Agencies: A Critical Review. Living Reviews in Democracy, 2:1-9, 2010. Link. Download
[2] Maggetti, Martino. The Role of Independent Regulatory Agencies in Policy-Making: A Comparative Analysis. Journal of European Public Policy, 16(3): 445-465, April 2009. Link. Download.
[1] Maggetti, Martino. De Facto Independence After Delegation: a Fuzzy-Set Analysis. Regulation & Governance, 1(4): 271-294, December 2007. Link. Download.
Books (monographs)
[2] Maggetti, Martino, Claudio M. Radaelli, and Fabrizio Gilardi. Designing Research in the Social Sciences. SAGE Publications Ltd, London, 2012 (200 pp.). Link.
[1] Maggetti, Martino. Regulation in Practice. ECPR Press, Colchester, 2012 (276 pp). Link. Ungated. [Distributed in the U.S. by Columbia University Press. Link.] [Reviewed in: Swiss Political Science Review (by Michael Buess) Link.]
Edited books
[3] Maggetti, Martino, Fabrizio Di Mascio and Alessandro Natalini (Eds). Handbook of Regulatory Authorities. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022 (514 pp.). Link.
[2] Pauwelyn, Joost, Martino Maggetti, Tim Büthe, and Ayelet Berman (Eds). Rethinking Participation in Global Governance. Oxford University Press, 2022 (532 pp.). Link.
[1] Braun, Dietmar and Martino Maggetti (Eds). Comparative Politics: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2015 (208 pp.). Link.
Special issues in peer reviewed journals
[5] Thomann, Eva, Philipp Trein and Martino Maggetti (Eds). Symposium: What’s the Problem? Multilevel Governance and Problem-Solving, European Policy Analysis, 5(1), March 2019. Link.
[4] Trein, Philipp, Eva Thomann, and Martino Maggetti (Eds). Special Issue: Integration, Functional Differentiation and Problem-Solving in Multilevel Governance: A Comparative Perspective, Public Administration, 9(7), June 2019. Link.
[3] Maggetti, Martino, Fabrizio Di Mascio and Alessandro Natalini (Eds). Special Issue: National Regulators, Networks and European Agencies: New Trends and Emerging Perspectives, Public Policy and Administration, accepted, forthcoming, published online on 9 February 2020. Link.
[2] Bach, Tobias, Fabrizio De Francesco, Martino Maggetti and Eva Ruffing (Eds). Special Issue: Transnational Regulatory Networks as Means of EU Governance: The Administrative Dimension of Multilevel Coordination, Public Administration, 94(1), March 2016. Link.
[1] Maggetti, Martino and Koen Verhoest (Eds). Special Issue: New Perspectives on Bureaucratic Autonomy, International Review of Administrative Sciences, 80(2), June 2014. Link.
Book chapters
[29] Maggetti, Martino. Switzerland: Experimental Governance and Polarized Consociationalism. In: Lynggaard, Kennet, Michael Friederich Kluth and Mads Christian Dagnis Jensen (Eds.). Navigating the Perfect Storm: Understanding Governments Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic, Palgrave, accepted, forthcoming.
[28] Maggetti, Martino, Fabrizio Di Mascio and Alessandro Natalini. Introduction to the Handbook of Regulatory Authorities. In: Maggetti, Martino, Fabrizio Di Mascio and Alessandro Natalini (Eds). Handbook of Regulatory Authorities, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022.
[27] Di Mascio, Fabrizio, Martino Maggetti and Alessandro Natalini. Anticorruption Agencies. In: Maggetti, Martino, Fabrizio Di Mascio and Alessandro Natalini (Eds). Handbook of Regulatory Authorities, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022.
[26] Maggetti, Martino. Independent Regulators in the Post-Delegation Stage. In: Maggetti, Martino, Fabrizio Di Mascio and Alessandro Natalini (Eds). Handbook of Regulatory Authorities, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022.
[25] Berman, Berman, Tim Büthe, Martino Maggetti, and Joost Pauwelyn. Introduction: Rethinking Stakeholder Participation in Global Governance. In: Pauwelyn, Joost, Martino Maggetti, Tim Büthe, and Ayelet Berman (Eds). Rethinking Participation in Global Governance. Voice and Influence after Stakeholder Reforms in Global Finance and Health. Oxford University Press, 2022.
[24] Kovarzina, Olga and Martino Maggetti. Stakeholder Participation Reforms in Global Finance Governance. In: Pauwelyn, Joost, Martino Maggetti, Tim Büthe, and Ayelet Berman (Eds). Rethinking Participation in Global Governance. Voice and Influence after Stakeholder Reforms in Global Finance and Health. Oxford University Press, 2022.
[23] Martino Maggetti and Olga Kovarzina. Assessing Stakeholder Participation Reforms in Global Finance Governance. In: Pauwelyn, Joost, Martino Maggetti, Tim Büthe, and Ayelet Berman (Eds). Rethinking Participation in Global Governance. Voice and Influence after Stakeholder Reforms in Global Finance and Health. Oxford University Press, 2022.
[22] Büthe, Tim, Joost Pauwelyn, Martino Maggetti, and Ayelet Berman. The Participation of Marginalized Stakeholders in Global Governance. In: Pauwelyn, Joost, Martino Maggetti, Tim Büthe, and Ayelet Berman (Eds). Rethinking Participation in Global Governance. Voice and Influence after Stakeholder Reforms in Global Finance and Health. Oxford University Press, 2022.
[21] Maggetti, Martino. Policy Diffusion. In: Tosun, Jale and Paolo Graziano (Eds). Encyclopedia of EU Public Policy. Edward Elgar, accepted, forthcoming, 2021.
[20] Maggetti, Martino. Studying Time with QCA. In: Goetz, Klaus (Ed.). Oxford Handbook of Time and Politics. Oxford University Press, in press, 2021.
[19] Maggetti, Martino. L’Echelon International-Transnational de l’Action Publique. In: Jacob, Steve and Nathalie Schiffino (Eds). Traité en analyse des politiques publiques. Editeur Larcier Group, Collection Les Traiteés de la Science Politique, in press, 2021.
[18] Maggetti, Martino. Les acteurs des réseaux européens de régulateurs indépendants : Une exploration de leurs rôles et identités. In: Vauchez, Antoine and Bastien François (Eds.) Politique de l’indépendance. Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, pp. 247-268, 2020. Link.
[17] Maggetti, Martino. Mixed Methods. In: Wagemann, Claudius, Achim Goerres, and Markus B. Siewert (Eds). Handbook Political Science Methods. Springer VS, pp. 1-18, 2018. Link. Download.
[16] Papadopoulos, Yannis and Martino Maggetti. Policy Style(s) in Switzerland: Under Stress. In: Howlett, Michael and Jale Tosun (Eds). Policy Styles and Policy-Making: Exploring the National Dimension. Routledge, pp. 157-179, 2018. Download.
[15] Maggetti, Martino and Henrique Choer Moraes, The Policy-Making of Investment Treaties in Brazil: Policy Learning in the Context of Late Adoption. In: Dunlop, Claire, Claudio Radaelli and Philipp Trein (Eds). Learning in Public Policy: Analysis, Modes and Outcomes. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 295-316, 2018. Download.
[14] Maggetti, Martino and Christian Ewert, Comparative Regulatory Regimes and Public Policy. In: Van Thiel, Sandra et Edoardo Ongaro (Ed.). The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Public Management in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, pp.635-651, 2018. Download.
[13] Scholten, Miroslava, Martino Maggetti and Esther Versluis, Political and judicial accountability in shared enforcement in the EU. In: Scholten, Miroslava and Michiel Luchtman (Eds). Law Enforcement by EU Authorities. Implications for Political and Judicial Accountability. Edward Elgar, pp. 353–376, 2017. Download.
[12] Maggetti, Martino and Olivier Giraud. Methodological Pluralism in Comparative Political Science. In: Braun, Dietmar and Martino Maggetti. Comparative Politics: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges. Edward Elgar, 2015. Download.
[11] Maggetti, Martino. Knowledge Progress in Comparative Political Science. In: Braun, Dietmar and Martino Maggetti. Comparative Politics: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges. Edward Elgar, 2015. Download.
[10] Maggetti, Martino. Hard and Soft Governance. In: Lynggaard, Kennet, Karl Löfgren and Ian Manners, Research Methods in European Union Studies. Palgrave, 2015. Download.
[9] Maggetti, Martino. Representation and network governance in Europe. In: Kröger, Sandra, Political Representation in the European Union: Still democratic in times of crisis? Routledge, 2014. Link. Download.
[8] Gilardi, Fabrizio, Martino Maggetti and Fabio Servalli. Les autorités de régulation en Suisse. In: Ladner, Andreas, Jean-Loup Chappelet, Yves Emery, Peter Knoepfel, Luzius Mader, Nils Soguel and Frédéric Varone, Handbuch der öffentlichen Verwaltung in der Schweiz, Verlag NZZ, 2013. Link. Download.
[7] Puppis, Manuel and Martino Maggetti. The Accountability and Legitimacy of Regulatory Agencies in the Communication Sector. In: Puppis, Manuel, Trends in Communication Policy Research: New Theories, Methods and Subjects. ECREA Series, 2011.
[6] Gilardi, Fabrizio and Martino Maggetti. The Independence of Regulatory Authorities. In: Levi-Faur, David, Handbook on Regulation. Edward Elgar, 2011. Link. Download.
[5] Maggetti, Martino and Fabrizio Gilardi. Regulierungsbehörden, Regulierungsnetzwerke und die Diffusion von “best practices”. In: Kübler, Daniel und Philippe Koch, Finanzkrise und Demokratie. Herausforderungen für Politik, Recht und Bildung, Zürich, Schulthess, 2011.
[4] Maggetti, Martino, Alexandre Afonso and Marie-Christine Fontana. Liberalization and Economic Regulatory Reforms. In: Trampusch, Christine and André Mach, Switzerland in Europe, Europe in Switzerland. Continuity and Change in the Swiss Political Economy, Routledge, 2011. Link. Download.
[3] Maggetti, Martino. Are Regulatory Agencies Delivering What They Promise? In: Laegreid, Per and Koen Verhoest. Governance of Public Sector Organizations – Autonomy, control and performance, Palgrave MacMillan, 2010. Link. Download.
[2] Maggetti, Martino. Delegated Authority: Legitimizing Independent Regulatory Agencies. In : Blühdorn, Ingolfur, In Search of Legitimacy. Policy Making in Europe and the Challenge of Societal Complexity, Opladen/Farmington Hills, MI: Barbara Budrich, 2008. Link. Download.
[1] Afonso, Alexandre and Martino Maggetti. Bilaterals II: Reaching the Limits of the Swiss Third Way? In: Church, Clive H., Switzerland and the European Union. A Close, Contradictory and Misunderstood Relationship, Routledge, 2006. Link. Download.
Book reviews
[3] Maggetti, Martino. Book Review of Case Studies and Causal Inference: An Integrative Framework, Ingo Rohlfing. Palgrave Macmillan, Research Methods Series (2012). Swiss Political Science Review, 19(4): 576-578, 2013. Link.
[2] Rao Dhananka, Swetha and Martino Maggetti. Book Review of Putting Social Movements in their Place. Explaining Opposition to Energy Projects in the United States, 2000-2005, Doug McAdam and Hilary Schaffer Boudet, New York: Cambridge University Press (2012). Swiss Political Science Review, 18(4): 541-543, 2012. Link.
[1] Maggetti, Martino, Book Review of Les sentinelles de l’argent sale. Les banques aux prises avec l’antiblanchiment, Gilles Favarel-Garrigues,Thierry Godefroy et Pierre Lascoumes, Paris : La Découverte (2009). Swiss Political Science Review 16(1): 149–74, 2010. Link.
Other articles and reports (selection)
[13] Maggetti, Martino, Yannis Papadopoulos and Edoardo Guaschino. Trust and Distrust in Regulatory Governance. White paper integrating the results of the TiGRE project and developing scenarios and recommendations to maintain and restore trust. University of Lausanne, pp. 1-12, August 2023. Link. Download.
[12] Maggetti, Martino. Trust, but Notify. Think Piece for the UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab, 15 September 2022. Link.
[11] Maggetti, Martino, Iris Meyer and Anke Tresch. Covid‐19 – A Political Science Perspective (editorial introduction). Swiss Political Science Review, 27(2): 227–228, June 2021.
[10] Schmid Evelyne, Matthieu Niederhauser, Jonathan Miaz, Martino Maggetti and Constance Kaempfer. Les parlements cantonaux suisses et leurs obligations internationales / Die Kantonsparlamente und ihre internationalen Verpflichtungen. Parlament, Parlement, Parlamento (Bulletin de la Societé suisse de questions parlementaires), 24(11) : 63-68, April 2021.
[9] Maggetti, Martino and Anke Tresch. Editorial Note. Swiss Political Science Review, 26(3): 251–252, September 2020.
[8] Maggetti, Martino. Research note: New Perspectives on Bureaucratic Autonomy. Osservatorio AIR, 30 March 2015. Link.
[7] Maggetti, Martino. It’s Raining – Blame the Thieving Government! Political Studies Association, Political Insight, February 2014. Link.
[6] Martino Maggetti. Note on Kaare Strom’s 2000 article ‘Delegation and accountability in parliamentary democracies, Virtual Special Issue for the 40th Anniversary of the European Journal of Political Research, December 2013. Link.
[5] Martino Maggetti and Fabrizio Gilardi. Transnational networks of independent regulators as instruments of governance: The cases of energy and financial markets, NCCR Democracy Newsletter No. 11, December 2012. Link.
[4] Maggetti, Martino, Le reti transnazionali di regolatori indipendenti come strumenti di governance: Il caso dell’energia, Agienergia 24 April 2012. Link.
[3] Biela, Jan, Martino Maggetti and Manuel Puppis. Finanzregulierer in der Krise = Les Régulateurs Financiers et la Crise, Die Volkswirtschaft,2011. Link. Download – German. Download – French.
[2] Maggetti, Martino and Fabrizio Gilardi. Establishing Regulatory Networks and the Diffusion of Best Practices, Network Industries Quarterly12(2), 2010.
[1] Maggetti, Martino. Assessing the De Facto Independence of Regulatory Agencies. The Case of the Swiss Federal Banking Commission in the Years 1990, Travaux de Science Politique – Political Science Working Paper Series, IEPI, University of Lausanne, 2006.