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I am an associate professor in political science at the Institute of Political Science (IEP) and at the Laboratory for the Analysis of Governance and Public Policy in Europe (LAGAPE) of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
I am currently the Head of Department of the Institute of Political Science (IEP).
My research interests are mainly oriented towards the fields of regulatory governance and comparative public policy, with a special focus on the reconfiguration of political authority in a context of denationalization. This implies to study, on the one hand, the role of independent, hybrid and private regulators in transnational regulatory regimes and their consequences for the policy process. On the other hand, it requires an examination of policymaking dynamics in multilevel settings, including policy integration, the development of network governance, the reassertion of the center of the nation state, and the diffusion of international law and soft rules at various levels of government. I am also interested in research design and comparative methods.